Henry Street Parking Deck

The 2nd Street Parking Structure in Royal Oak, Michigan, is a well-lit, modern facility located at 150 W. 2nd Street. The structure employs architectural precast concrete panels which are inset with brick to mimic the look of nearby townhouses, creating a cohesive aesthetic with the surrounding neighborhood.

The following precast concrete products were provided:

27 Architectural Cladding Panels
92 Architectural Shear & Lite Walls
39 Architectural Walls
581 Hollowcore Slabs
32 Structural Beams
31 Structural Columns
223 Structural Double-Tees
59 Structural Inverted T-Beams
17 Structural Lite Walls
35 Structural Shear Walls
36 Structural Solid Slabs
48 Structural Spandrel Walls
131 Structural Walls